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Workzone Safety Defined

25 apríla 2018

We explore how the term workzone safety is becoming the new health and safety paradigm.


Workzone Safety relates to a new modernised approach to people and site protection right across industrial sectors.  Vertemax™ is proud to be at the forefront of thinking and innovation in this field.  We are proud to be protecting people, innovating internally and with partners to find new, more effective solutions that also help boost productivity.

The workzone safety philosophy is simple.  Beyond industry bodies and legislators it is business itself that needs to strive for better and, through innovation, find new efficient and productive methods to protect people working or impacted on by workzone sites across the world.

Every country has a different culture, strength of will and legislative pressure to improve conditions and positive outcomes to keep people safe in the workzone.  Arguably, the UK, with businesses such as vertemax™ leading the way, is setting new standards and delivering best practice to wider territories.

Within the UK, while there is strong and developing legislation, there is a strong culture amongst liable, impacted and affected businesses to strive for even better safety records.  There is a distinct culture of zero-tolerance throughout builds, set not only by contracting principles but by operational teams, notably construction managers, health and safety managers and contracts managers.

Discover how Vertemax is working with UK construction giant, Mace, to boost workzone safety thinking in the UK’s construction industry >



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