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100 Liverpool Street, London

9 januára 2019

One of the first phases of the wider Broadgate redevelopment, the 100 Liverpool Street project will link together two existing buildings and add four extra floors to the overall new structure.


The redevelopment of 100 Liverpool Street is situated adjacent to one of the nation’s busiest railway stations – Liverpool Street Station. The project consists of two existing buildings which are being reconfigured into a single structure. New steelwork is being erected to knit the structures together, replace the demolished areas and add four new floors to the top, creating a new 12-storey landmark building.

vertemax™, the workzone safety company, works hard to develop and bring to market products and services designed to protect people.  Putting people first, whether the general public, on-site workers or any of your team, our products offer both the highest safety standards and cost benefit.

With increasing numbers of high-rise projects in progress and in planning throughout the UK, our products offer a versatile and transferable solution for temporary works designers and site planners, helping to achieve an improved level of protection on high-rise construction sites.

Read the full story here: www.newsteelconstruction.com/wp/rebuild-remodel



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